DoorVaani telephony services are integrated with Zoho products over high performance REST APIs in a highly secure environment. Zoho users can simply click on the customer phone numbers in their Zoho products to initiate calls to their customers which are connected by DoorVaani. Once you add your Zoho products in your account, all of your calls whether outbound calls or inbound calls, whether you clicked on the customer number in your Zoho products or directly called the number it will be logged in Zoho and you have the opportunity to create the call disposition. This article explains how to use DoorVaani as an integrated service within your Zoho products.

Zoho DoorVaani Integration
Contact Us Signup to DoorVaani
- In addition to a Zoho account with admin level access, you need a DoorVaani account to start with and if you don’t have one yet, you can register your account for free at
- You need at least one VOIP Line (a.k.a. SIP Account) in your DoorVaani account. If you don’t have a VOIP Line, please refer to and create one. To place outbound calls, you would need a positive talk-time balance on your VOIP Line. Please refer to for information on adding talk-time balance to your VOIP Line.
- If you want to get inbound calls, you would need at least one DID Local Phone Number or Toll-free phone number in your account. To get a Phone Number, please use “MY PHONE NUMBERS > Buy Phone Numbers” menu accessible from the left hand side in your account.
- Please ensure that the country/countries you want to call is/are added to your “MY DASHBOARAD > Outgoing Call Countries” menu accessible from left-hand side.
- Once you have all of the above, please click on “MY SETTINGS > Integration Settings” menu accessible from the left hand side in your account.
Integration Settings Menu
- Please select “Zoho” in the drop-down box and click on “Add” button.
Select Zoho for Integration
- You will be taken to your Zoho account and in case you are not already logged in into Zoho you will be asked to login with admin privileges. On the Zoho product page, please click on “Accept” button so that DoorVaani can get your Zoho Users information.
Zoho Authentication Page
- Please go to the Zoho Phone Bridge Market Place and then select “DoorVaani” Provider.
- Now you will be taken back into your account and you will see all of your Zoho users details like the user’s name and E-mail Id as in Zoho. Here you should be assigning a unique VOIP Line to each one of the Zoho Users.
Zoho Users
- In case you do not want one or more Zoho users to be integrated into DoorVaani, you may please delete those users or disable their telephony. If you have changes in your Zoho Users you can sync them in your account.
Sync Updates to users in Zoho
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