In DoorVaani you can choose when you want your invoices to be generated. DoorVaani provides the following two options to choose from:
- Generate Invoices on shopping cart checkout (Default)
- Generate One Invoice per month
To see your current invoice generation option or to do updates, please use “MY SETTINGS > Preferences” menu accessible from the left hand side menu bar.

Preferences Menu
On the preferences page, you will see the options for “When to generate Invoices”. “On shopping cart checkout” is the default option. Please select your option here and please enter an E-mail id to which you want your periodic invoices to be emailed (applicable only for periodic invoices like a monthly invoice). Please click on ‘Submit’ button to save your updates.

Invoice Generation Options
If you select “One invoice per month” option, you will be able to enter an E-mail id to which your invoice will be emailed. Invoices are usually generated on the 1st of the month for your purchases during the previous month which weren’t invoiced yet. You will be able to change this option and/or edit the e-mail id at any time. By default the e-mail id is your login e-mail id but you can change it to any other e-mail id.

Invoices email id
You can see the orders which are not yet invoiced by clicking on the “MY BILLING > Uninvoiced Orders” menu from the left hand side bar.

Uninvoiced Orders Menu
List of orders in your account which are not yet invoiced is shown to you as in the screen shot below. On generation of the periodic invoice, these items will go off of this list.